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经卷师蒙俊斌 发送消息


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1 楼    2024/9/3 17:21:52

i can seek the happiness/what's heart and soul,

i can believe in this/what's about the believers,

i trust in the black sheep/who i can firmly know,

i wanna be your wish/when we become lovers,

i can go on giving me/as my Lord let me show,

love is at night in my dreams/as i can be piouser,

i wanna go on praying/when i happily follow,

my love is going on showing/as i can be happier.


love is our hope/cause we happily give it,

love is easily know/cause it is our Sanlight,

love can't be let go/when we go on giving,

it's heart and soul/as we're firmly guidded,

i wanna know/how to be the black sheep,

i wanna happily show/how i can be bright,

i wanna follow/that my Lord firmly tell me,

i don't wanna let go/for the Lest Starlight.


i'm the believer/who wanna give,

i'm your lover/at the dark night,

i'm more piouser/for we believe,

i'm more firmer/for the Sanlight,

we're happier/as the black sheep,

we're honour/as the Lest Starlight,

we're luckier/as we can believe in,

love'll be forever/as we hardly try.


we can piously pray/when we believe in,

we're easily saved/under bright Sanlight,

we can firmly pay/what we all can give,

we can happily say/that we're God's guys,

it's on the Saved Day/we can be happy,

it was the Lucky Place/we had ever tried,

we must here stay/as we're black sheep,

here is the safe way/where the will hides.


there is nothing be fear/when we are under the Light,

there is more happier/when we're going on believing,

we wanna be piouser/cause we're under the Starlight,

we wanna be believers/when we got our Lord's giving,

we can be more firmer/cause we can seek the Sanlight,

we can be more lucker/when we got the brightest wish,

we can be the lovers/when we admit we are Lord's guys,

we can be more safer/cause our Lord gives us we need.


i'm feeling so lonely/under the lamp light,

i wanna believe in/for i wanna firmly pray,

when you say love me/i want the Sanlight,

when we're giving/we call for Lord's Name,

what's this meaning/for we can barely try?

how much is happiness/when we're saved?

we can barely seek/what make us be right,

we can hardly reach/for his promise place.


so hard to breathe/cause it's so cold,

we're under darkness/when we pray,

we want to be happy/heart and soul,

we're still believing/that we are safe,

we suffer the feeling/as we can know,

we're go on giving/for we barely pay,

we're the black sheep/needing hope,

we're the piousest/when we're saved.


it's so hard to seek/what we pray for,

we're the black sheep/when we pray,

we're calling for wish/what's unknow,

we're believing in/we'll reach a place,

let's go on loving/for heart and soul,

let's go on trusting/what my Lord say,

let's go on giving/as we got the hope,

let's go on praying/when we're saved.


love is no control/as we are believing in,

love is heart and soul/as under Sanlight,

we're calling for/that we could be giving,

we're praying for/what we can barely try,

we can barely know/the place we'll seek,

we can barely hope/that the lest Starlight,

we can't let go/for we're the black sheep,

we can easily show/that we can be bright.


we wanna be saved/as we're calling for the hope,

we wanna a safe place/as we become the believers,

we wanna piously pray/as the true love is showed,

we wanna firmly pay/cause we're the happy lovers,

we're calling God's Name/as being heart and soul,

we don't wanna hate/for we can be more marcier,

when we piously say/that we could happily follow,

it'll be on a happy day/when we were more firmer.


you can walk in/where's the bright place,

you can be dancing/under the lamp light,

you're my Angle baby/on this loving day,

you trust in me/as the true love can't lie,

eyes are so thirsty/when i call your name,

you're gently smilling/when i feel alright,

could you happily drink/then please stay,

could you seek to me/as the love can try?


you're gently smilling/as loving heart and soul,

you're so happy with me/for we are the lovers,

i can see you're thirsty/cause i can easily know,

i can't let the love be/for i am the love believer,

i wanna be speaking/what is about i can show,

i want you to be holding/when we are sweeter,

i want you to be happy/cause you're my Angle,

you drive me crazy/cause we become happier.


you're right next to me/as i wanna be your lover,

we're speaking sweetly/as we are heart and soul,

i wanna kiss to your lips/when we're more firmer,

i wanna go on speaking/what about we can know,

my hands touch your skin/when we feel happier,

i wanna say i'm your baby/as the love is showed,

can you feel my willing/as we're the love believers?

do you wanna kiss/when our true love can't let go.


your body is so close/when you speak to me,

it is heart and soul/as we are under the light,

you are my Angle/cause i want to gently kiss,

do you ever know/that we are under Sanlight?

the love is out of control/for we can believe,

the love can be showed/as we are all alright,

the love can't be let go/as you're kissing me,

we all wanna hope/that at the sweetest time.


you're so beautiful/cause you're under the light,

the love i can't let go/as we become the lovers,

we're heart and soul/as the love become alright,

you're my baby Angle/cause i'm the love believer,

i can easily know/you are my Brightest Sanlight,

can you happily show/how we can be more firmer?

i can piously pray for/what the true love i can try,

i wanna firmly call for/how we can be more sweeter.


you're a friend of mine/when we become happier,

you're the Bright Sunshine/cause you're loving me,

you're my pretty Sunlight/cause we are the lovers,

you're my love nowonder why/cause we're loveing,

the true love let me be blind/but i'm a love believer,

can you hold me in time/as we are happily speaking?

the true love let me try/how we can be more firmer,

we could feel so high/as we sweetly and gently kiss.


the true love can be nothing/but we can happily pray,

the true love can be trusted in/under the bright light,

the true love we're believing in/cause it is on the way,

we can easily pay and give/cause we could hardly try,

as long as you're with me/we can find a bright place,

i don't care what you think/but the true love is light,

i don't care how much to give/when i can hardly pay,

i just only wanna you love me/for the love is so high.


as long as you trust me/as we can be under the Light,

as long as you believe in me/that we can be the lovers,

as long as you hardly give/as the love could be alright,

we could go on praying/cause we're the love believers,

i don't care what you did/cause you're my bright Light,

i don't care what you think/cause we become happier,

i don't care what you give/for you are Bright Sunshine,

we can go on loving/cause wherever you're the heaven.


love must be in time/as i wanna you love me,

love does not think twice/as you barely pray,

love is our bright light/when you believe in it,

love can not tell a lie/as it's on the bright way,

we believe in the right/for love can't let it be,

we wanna be alright/wherever the love place,

we can be so high/whenever we happily need,

we can feel right/whenever being on the day.


you give your heart to me/as we're heart and soul,

you wanna gently kiss/for we wanna happily pray,

you wanna gently hold me/for the love can show,

you trust in and believe in/whenever on which day,

we wanna happily give/what we can not let it go,

we wanna go on talking/as we wanna piously stay,

we wanna go on saying/what we seek and know,

we're the black sheep/as the true love is on the way.


the spring wind blows/as we're feeling so good,

it's heart and soul/when we become the lovers,

you can easily know/we're no only brotherhood,

you're my dear Angle/when i become happier,

the true love easily shows/that i'm the love fool,

i can feel your beautiful/that i'm likly in heaven,

i feel i am out of control/but the feeling is good,

the love i can not let go/as i'm the love believer.


i wanna piously pray/cause i'm so poor,

i wanna firmly stay/cause i'm a believer,

it'll be a day/that my life become good,

i can barely pay/when we are the lovers,

i call for your name/as i wanna go on to,

i call for a place/where's milk and sugar,

we're on the way/just only finding food,

we always happily say/there is a heaven.


we're the deepest lovers/although we are poor,

we can be the believers/as we can piously pray,

we will be more happier/as we got better food,

we will be more firmer/for we have some ways,

we'll be more piouser/as we have brotherhood,

we'll reach a heaven/as we call for God's name,

there's a bright garden/where is all full of food,

our life will be better/for the love is on the way.


my love is out of control/as our brotherhood,

i wanna firmly follow/as we're the best lovers,

we're heart and soul/although we're so poor,

we become happily know/we're in the heaven,

we can barely show/how much we are good,

we can easily go/when we become believers,

we're on the love road/for our God loves too,

our hearts can't hold/cause we feel happier.


the moutain is a road/although we're so poor,

the Sanlight can show/that we're the believers,

the love we can't let go/cause a way we sure,

we all could follow/as a place is milk and sugar,

we're now easily know/we trust in brotherhood,

we're piously hope/that we can be more happier,

we seek the Angle/who we could most love to,

we're calling for/what can make us to be safer.


i wanna let the love go/but our brotherhood,

i love you heart and soul/as we are the lovers,

true love you can know/cause we're all good,

this meaning can show/that the love is sured,

the love is in the road/although we are poor,

the love can be hoped/as we're love believers,

you're my dear Angle/who i can firmly love to,

our hands can hold/as our love is more better.


i believe i could pray/as i need brotherhood,

i wanna find a way/cause we can be lovers,

i call for your name/as i firmly love you too,

our love is all the same/as we can be firmer,

we'll take a happy day/although we're poor,

we don't easily hate/as we're more happier,

the love will save/who can all give the truth,

our love can piously pay/cause we're better.


we're under Sanlight/that calling for brotherhood,

we wanna hardly try/how to be the firm believers,

we wanna know why/none can say out the truth,

we're under Starlight/though the way is all darker,

the heaven is so bright/although we are so poor,

we can enjoy the Slight/when we want to lovers,

the love needn't hidded/as the Angle we love to,

it'll be on love's Santime/as we are more happier.


what about Sunlight/as our bright brotherhood,

what about more light/for we're the firm lovers,

what about it's Sunshine/although we are poor,

when we didn't hide/then we'll be the believers,

the love let us fly/where a truth can be above to,

let's touch the sky/for we can feel more happier,

we could know why/as our Lord gently loves too,

the love can be so high/cause we're more firmer.


we can happily see Sunrise/for our brotherhood,

our spirit can be rised/as it's seen gently brighter,

how bright is the Sunlight/as we enjoy the food?

how happy is on the time/cause we're the lovers,

the love is nowonder why/cause we are loving to,

the love can't be hidded/for we are the believers,

we can be under the Light/cause the love is sured,

we can see Sanlight/as we become more happier.

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