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经卷师蒙俊斌 发送消息


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1 楼    2024/9/3 17:22:33

here is the Sunlight/where makes us to be happier,

here is all of Sunshine/cause we have brotherhood,

here is so slightly bright/cause we feel more lucker,

our love can happily try/cause you i wanna love to,

we become alright/cause we're the pious believers,

we wanna never hide/although we are hardly poor,

we're all under Sanlight/as we're the deepest lovers,

we seek the lest Starlight/for our Lord loves us too.


all of us can try/when we're happier,

all of us are the guys/as brotherhood,

all of us are bright/as being piouser,

we can seek a Light/as we're all sure,

we can barely hide/but we are lovers,

we're under Sanlight/as love is good,

we seek the Starlight/as the believers,

we can be alright/as we seek a truth.


we must back in time/as we can be sure,

we must got the Light/as a brotherhood,

we must got Sanlight/as we are believers,

we can easily try/as we can got the truth,

we can know why/that we become lovers,

we're feeling high/as we are believing too,

we're under Starlight/as we're more firmer,

we become bright/for the light we love to.


how can i be survived/when we're harder?

how can i barely try/just for brotherhood?

how can i easily hide/for we are believers,

how can i be in time/as it becomes good?

we wanna be alive/as we become happier,

we're under Sanlight/for we know a truth,

there's the Lest Starlight/for we are lovers,

we can happily know why/we can love too.


i'm so glad to try/as i'm a pious believer,

i can seel the Light/for my Lord i love to,

i'm under Sanlight/for i'm a happy lover,

i will never hide/cause our brotherhood,

i know we're the guys/who're all firmer,

we will love in time/nowonder love who,

we will be so high/when we are happier,

love is nowonder why/as this is the truth.


we're believing in/what's about brotherhood,

we're going on giving/when we piously pray,

we are going on praying/for our love is truth,

we can't let the love be/as we must be saved,

we're still believing/for we're feeling so good,

we're still trusting/as we are all of on the way,

we're the black sheep/though we are so poor,

we're all begging/cause the love is on the way.


because you love me/you will be my lovers,

because you're giving/we can be so good,

because you're praying/we're the believers,

we can easily seek/what's our brotherhood,

we have the dream/for we're more happier,

we're the black sheep/cause the love is true,

we are still believing in/we'll be more firmer,

because you touch me/when i was so poor.


i can dream at every night/when i read the prayer,

i wanna barely try/when i firmly need brotherhood,

i don't wanna hide/cause i wanna be the believers,

the love is under Sanlight/cause i am feel so good,

i can see it's so bright/as you say you are my lovers,

i can seek the happy guys/although we are so poor,

we can believe in time/as we become more happier,

we can love nowonder why/as the love can be true.


i wanna have a love dream/when i had red the prayer,

i wanna be the most happiest/cause the brotherhood,

we can be the black sheep/cause we're the firm lovers,

we can be the firm kids/for we can know all the truth,

the true love we can't let it be/for we are more firmer,

the Sanlight can be seen/as the brightness we love to,

Starlight can be barely seeked/but the pious believers,

we can easily believe in/though we are all hardly poor.


true love would last for my life/as our brotherhood,

i can dream of you every night/as we are the lovers,

the love could make us to try/how much we love to,

we can be the happest guys/for we're the believers,

we will become alright/for we got the certain truth,

we will never hide/cause we become more piouser,

we will never tell a lie/cause our heart is easily true,

we can love nowonder why/cause we're so happier.


we can be believing/how we'll be tender,

we can be giving/about our brotherhood,

we're the sheep/as we're the pious lovers,

we can be happy/cause you say love too,

do you believe in/for we are the believers?

can you go on loving/though you're poor?

we're the piousest kids/when we're firmer,

we're the happiest/as the Faith we want to.


i feel i'm so weak/as i want to know the truth,

so hard to breathe/for i wanna more stronger,

i rubbed it in so deep/but about brotherhood,

you're saying no to me/when i wanna happier,

i still believe in/what's about true love so good,

i still be giving/as i wanna be the firm believer,

i still go on trying/nowonder i'll be loving who,

the hurting is nothing/as we're the firm lovers.


we got bad blood at this time/as we're not lovers,

we're off being under Sanlight/cause we want to,

we're go on telling the lie/as we are more crazier,

we wanna barely try/but we haven't brotherhood,

we're not the happy guys/for we are not believers,

we wanna hardly hide/as we had found it's untrue,

we wanna know why/that we can't be more better,

when will we be alright/when you laugh at me too?


we got bad blood baby/as we're not the lovers,

we're going on crazy/as being no brotherhood,

i can't believe in/when i'm still a pious believer,

i can't use to be this/for i know the crazy truth,

i wanna do something/as i wanna more firmer,

i wanna do what i need/although i am so poor,

i wanna happily give/what i can be more firmer,

i wanna go on indeep/when ture love i want to.


i'm hurted so deep/but i'm the pious believer,

i'm still giving/when we haven't brotherhood,

i'm the black sheep/but i wanna more crazier,

i am weak baby/but you say you love me too,

the truth is laugh at me/but we can be firmer,

the prayer is blessing me/though i'm so poor,

can you promise/we can be the lovers forever?

can you happily give/what about can be good?


the painess is so deep/but we are the lovers,

the hurting is so heavy/but our brotherhood,

don't laugh at me/cause we are the poorers,

you could trust in me/who's the believer too,

can you call me baby/for we are more firmer?

can you give love to me/for the happy truth?

when you still believe in/we could be happier,

i'm the black sheep/who can be the love fool.


true love is on my mind/cause we are the lovers,

true love can be in time/casue our brotherhood,

true love never tells a lie/as we're more happier,

true love makes us to try/for we know the truth,

we can never hide/as we are the happy believers,

we will be all bright/as the true love goes on too,

there is a Bright Light/when we wanna be firmer,

true will be never hidded/although we're so poor.


love isn't a little thing/when you say love me too,

love can be still trusted in/when we're the lovers,

love will be more missed/cause our brotherhood,

love will be the happiness/for we are all believers,

love will be happy indeep/though we are the fool,

love can be believing in/when we're more happier,

when we go on this/we can easily know the truth,

could you happily tell me/for we'll be more firmer?


we're the believers/cause the Sanlight is the brightest,

we're more firmer/cause our true love can be so good,

we're more happier/cause the Starlight is the marciest,

we're more piouser/as we got the firmest brotherhood,

we're the bright lovers/when we can go the happiness,

the work is more harder/but we're not the foolish fools,

the road is more wilder/but we're all going on walking,

the night's more darker/but the days we firmly want to.


true love we can barely seek/for we become the lovers,

true love we're still believing in/cause our brotherhood,

let's go on the Faith indeep/for we're the firm believers,

let's be under the Fate baby/though we're hardly poor,

our true hearts are beating/as we woll be more piouser,

our true hearts are keeping/as you say you love me too,

our true hearts are giving/what we can easily be firmer,

our true hearts can't let this be/as the Faith we want to.


we're piously praying/as the piousest believers,

we're happily begging/though we are so poor,

we're firmly working/as we wanna be happier,

we're the black sheep/cause we firmly want to,

we can understooding/as we are Faith's lovers,

we can go on fighting/for whatever we can do,

we can not be lieing/but we could be brighter,

we're my Lord's kids/cause all this we can sure.


we're still believing in/nowonder God says whatever,

we are the happiest kids/though we are all so poor,

the love we can achieve/whatever we got whenever,

when we're happily believing/we can feel to be good,

we're the black sheep/when we feel we are happier,

we are the beggers indeep/but we happily want to,

we can go on following/when we become believers,

we can go on praying/for Lord mercily loves us too,


now we're happily loving/for we're the believers,

now we're the black sheep/though we are poor,

we can go on believing/cause we're more firmer,

we can go on praying/cause my Lord loves us too,

we're piously begging/cause we need the lovers,

we're so happy and lucky/though life isn't good,

we're going on seeking/but we could be happier,

we're calling for the magic/cause the love it sure.


the darkness is passing/when we're more harder,

the hardness is killing/though we're not so good,

we can be the black sheep/when we are happier,

we can be the happiest/as we need seeking truth,

the love will be seen/when we become believers,

the love will mercily give/though we are so poor,

the love has the magic/as we are the true lovers,

we can be piously praying/when we seek and do.


how can the love be achieved/as we wanna be more harder?

how can the love all give/though this time we're not good?

how can we go on believing/as we don't know we're lovers?

we can be the black sheep/when we could go on being sure,

how can my soul be the brightest/when we're all the believers?

how can my heart be the happiest/though we're now so poor?

how can my will be the strongest/cause the life can't be luckier?

we can be my Lord's piousest kids/when we know this all truth.


how can we believe in/whatever we can't know whenever?

how can we go on believing/but we're unhappy and poor?

how can we go on praying/for we're still not the believers?

we can be the black sheep/as my Lord mercily loves us too,

how could we go on begging/whatever we are only harder?

how can we go on walking/but wherever the dark reach to?

how can we go on all this/when we still wanna be the lovers?

we can be my Lord's kids/as the magic could be all the truth.


we can fall in the love indeep/when we're the happiest lovers,

we can fall in the sweet kissing/though the Fate isn't all sure,

we can fall in the happiness/when we're going on this prayer,

we wanna be the black sheep/though we are still barely poor,

we're seeking the magic/when we become the pious believers,

we're all walking firmly/as my Lord's brightly walking in us too,

we're all believing in this/when we're see and talk the Guidder,

we wanna be his pious kids/as love is given us nowonder who.


we're easily understanding this/thought we're so poor,

we're the weak black sheep/cause we are the believers,

we're the happiest and piousest/as we can barely sure,

we can go on believing in/that we're the firm beggers,

we can't let the true love stopping/when we all can do,

we can't let my soul cheaply selling/but give to lovers,

we can't let the Fath just it can be/but follow the truth,

we can go on walking and praying/as we can be firmer.


i wanna know the meaning/that i'm so hard and poor,

i wanna know the praying/what it can be happily sure,

i do know the loneliness/but i can love nowonder who,

show me the merciness/as i'm firmly reading the prayer,

i wanna give my all indeep/as the Light i could reach to,

i wanna give my all willing/for i wanna be the believer,

i wanna give my all giving/whenever whatever i can do,

show me to be the brightest/as i become the firm lover.


may be the Statlight is brighting/when i'm begging for truth,

may be i can't accept the darkness/but the Faith i could sure,

may be i can't be the blue sheep/but i don't mind being poor,

i wanna my Lord love me/when he allows me to be the lover,

may be the Sanlight is saving me/as i don't know loving who,

may be the prayer i'm begging it/as i wanna be the believer,

may be the beggers can't seen/but the lest i wanna firmly do,

i wanna my Lord promise me/cause i'm praying for my Father.

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