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经卷师蒙俊斌 发送消息


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1 楼    2024/9/3 17:25:49

we're the firm lovers/when we're brand new/cause we're believing,

we're the pious believers/with the love will/as we're the black sheep,

we'll be more firmer/as we all can deal/within we go on the willing,

we'll be more piouser/as we ever knew/that we're all my Lord's kids,

we'll be more happier/as the love will be new/when we are walking,

we'll be more luckier/as my Lord loves all of you/when we're praying.


our love will be forever/as we wanna will/that we're praying,

our love will be whatever/as we can feel/that we're believing,

our love will be wherever/as we're brand new/for we can be,

the true love is however/as we can deal/when we are loving,

we're the Light's believers/as my Lord loves you/for we give,

we're the pious lovers/as we will/that we're the black sheep.


we're the pure poorers/but we're brand new/when we're believing,

we're the firm beggers/but we wanna will/that we could be mercy,

we're the pious believers/that we can feel/as we're the black sheep,

we're the praying lovers/when we knew/that we could be praying,

we will love each other/as Lord loves you/who are always begging,

our Love will be forever/as Lord can deal/when we are all needing.


we are reading the prayer/when we can feel/that we are the blue sheep,

we wanna be the lovers/as we're so brand new/for we're hardly begging,

we can be the believers/as we barely will/that we can be piously praying,

we're the firm beggers/whoever knew/that we could be the black sheep,

we can be more piouser/as the love can deal/what we can piously believe,

we can be more firmer/as we love all of you/whoever our Lord is blessing.


can you hold me tender/as i can feel/that you're loving me baby?

can we be the lovers/cause i wanna will/that the love we believe?

can we be the love's believers/as we can deal/what we can need?

we can be more firmer/as we ever knew/that we're firmly loving,

we can be more piouser/as we're brand new/for we are believing,

we can be more happier/as i'm loving you/for this's my all willing.


we wanna be more happier/as we wanna be will/that we can see Lord's magic,

we wanna be more luckier/as the love we can feel/whenever we are believing,

we wanna be more tender/as we're all brand new/for we are going on praying,

we're the pious believers/as my Lord loves you/for we are the firm black sheep,

we're the happy lovers/as we all ever knew/for we can piously go on following,

we can read the prayer/as we all can deal/that we are my Lord's piousest kids.


we're reading the prayer/what's about the love/that it's no ending,

we're the believers/who's about the will/for we're the black sheep,

we're the lovers/who's about the feel/we can be the more piousest,

we can be tender/as we're brand new/for you say you can love me,

we can be happier/as we can barely deal/that we're my Lord's kids,

we can be piouser/as we ever knew/for we're believing in the magic.


we wanna be happier/when we can feel/that we're happily loving,

we wanna be the lovers/cause this is our will/that it's Lord's magic,

we wanna be luckier/when we're brand new/for we are the sheep,

we wanna be the believers/as we ever knew/that we still believe in,

we wanna be firmer/cause we can barely deal/what we are loving,

we wanna be piouser/as my Lord's loves you/whoever be suffering.


the time will be more longer/as we're finding a will/that we can be the black sheep,

the histroy can more wilder/cause we ever knew/that we have seen my Lord's magic,

we wanna be more firmer/cause we have the love feel/when we are piously praying,

we wanna be more piouser/as we promise to love you/whoever is still firmly believing,

we wanna be the lovers/when we feel brand new/when we are finding and walking,

we wanna be the believers/when my Lord can deal/that we can be barely begging this.


our way will be widder/when we suffer the will/what about my Lord's magic,

our love will be firmer/when we can barely feel/that we are still firmly loving,

our prayer will be piouser/when we can easily deal/as we're the black sheep,

we can be the lovers/when we feel brand new/cause we're piously believing,

we can be the believers/when we say we're loving you/for we are Lord's kids,

we can more happier/though we ever knew/that we can be the most firmest.

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